Jim Tatooles 1 of 2 of 42 http://jamestatooles.blogspot.com/
The appellate Court judges JJ, Tully, PJ, McNulty and O'Malley agreed with Scotillo that Tatooles came to court unprepared, a contributing factor to the sleaze ball lawyering in my case along with prosecutor and judicial miss conduct.
If your incompetent I guess that would make a person mentally un fit to practice law, seems to me to me any way.
Why would the appellate court allow Tatooles to continue blundering his way practicing law, after they conclude he is unfit to be lawyer? Same concept as letting a person drive after they know he is drunk....
Why would Scotillo and his wife (publisher of the Northwest Suburban Bar Association news letter) not get Tatooles some professional physiological help? After all, he was president of the NWSBA, there for, had apparently, a close working relation ship with Nancy Scotillo.
I would assume the Scotillo's and Tatooles are friends, what ever happened to the saying of friends helping friends. Would not this be a professional courtesy?
Do lawyers, judges bar members view helping a incompetent lawyer belittling.
Maybe the Scotillo's knew Tatooles was incompetent to practice law before my trial date.
I certainly would not want a incompetent plumber to do a job for me and if he did, fooling me about his mentally fitness, screwed up, I would sue him, some one would probably be would be suing me.
Why does the bar and fellow lawyers let this type of disruption continue, I mean lets say a lawyer goes to trial 30 times a month unprepared or 40, maybe 50 times. To me I would think that the lawyer would be a misfit? Got problems, should not be practicing law. Maybe he is selective in this behavior, which is a problem also.
Treatment is needed, so Jim Tatooles can do some good honest lawyering
Has John Tatooles, the Mayor of Inverness, offered to help his brother get treatment?
Does the Northwest Suburban Bar Association have any rehabilitation program?
James P. Tatooles, 70, is a trial attorney with his own firm, James P. Tatooles and Associates, based in Wheeling. He wants to cut spending and lower taxes as well as rebuild roads in the district. Tatooles ran unsuccessfully for judge in the 12th Subcircuit in 2002 and 2006. He served as president of the Northwest Suburban Bar Association in 1985. http://www.pioneerlocal.com/elections/ilhouse57th/index.html thank goodness, he never was voted into judgeship or to Springfield, that's all we need is another crooked lawyer in down state, let alone around here.